What are cuticles exactly?
First of all, let’s establish what cuticles are. Cuticles are skin at the base of the nail. They have a purpose, which is to protect the nails from infection.
The small and sometimes painful skin tissue that forms around the nail is called a hangnail. Hangnails are often confused with cuticles. This explains the debate over whether or not to cut cuticles. The dead skin located on the lateral fold, or eponychium (remember this word for your next game of Scrabble!), can be trimmed without any problem thanks to customized tools.
Taking care of your cuticles
Specialists recommend not cutting your cuticles, but, rather, pushing them back if their appearance bothers you. Pushing back the cuticles and applying a moisturizer to them daily makes it less necessary to cut away excess skin. After your shower, your skin is more supple and it’s then much easier to push back your cuticles. Gena's Cuticle Off makes this task so easy.
Clean, spotless, hygienic (clear enough?)
The tools used must be sterile to prevent bacterial and fungal infections (yeah, yucky!) So you need to disinfect your cuticle pusher and nipper every time you use it.
In short, it’s important to cut away only the dead skin and to treat your cuticles carefully and gently.