You want to colour or bleach your hair at home, but choosing a peroxide leaves you perplexed? Read this article to determine the volume you need!
What is peroxide, anyway?
Peroxide, or oxidizing cream, is an oxygenated water mix that allows the hair cuticle to open up. It also contains softening or moisturizing ingredients to preserve the integrity of the hair fibre.
Peroxide is an activator. Used with a bleaching powder, it lightens the hair’s pigments. Mixed with a hair color, it deposits artificial pigments on or in the cuticle.
Understanding volumes
The volume number matches the quantity of oxygenated water in the solution. The higher the percentage, the higher the number. The most common volumes are 10, 20, 30 and 40 volume.
Under 10 volume: Provides no bleaching action. It’s ideal for adding highlights or for semi-permanent colouring. The artificial pigment won’t penetrate the cuticle, it will remain on the surface. Because the results are temporary, the colour fades gradually, ensuring a natural transition.
Our suggestions:
10 volume: Bleaches the hair one level. It’s strong enough to provide tone-on-tone colouring or darker colour than the hair shade before processing. However, 10 volume peroxide will not cover white hair.
20 volume: Lightens the hair up to 2 levels and covers white hair. Like 10 volume, it opens the hair cuticule for pigment penetration and long-lasting hold. It’s the volume most used because there is less risk of damage.
30 volume: You’ll have guessed that this peroxide type provides up to 3 levels of bleaching. It is similar to 20 volume, but stronger. It’s the strength to select if you want a lighter and/or more intense shade.
40 volume: Provides up to 4 levels of bleaching. To lighten intensely and quickly, 40 volume may be suitable. But be careful! It must be used with caution because it’s very strong and can easily damage the hair. Also, it’s imperative you avoid the scalp with 40 volume. Direct application on the skin might cause serious burns.
Usage risks
As the saying goes, “Slowly but surely”. When in doubt, choose a lower volume peroxide and allow it to act longer. This way, you’ll minimize the risks of damaging the hair fibre.