Hollywood & Vibe
$elf Made
Vinylux Powder My Nose
Without a Pout
Hollywood & Vibe - Gel
Stay Shiny Top Coat - Gel
Rice Rice Baby
Shaking my Sugarplums
Yes My Condor Can-do! - Gel
Not so bora-bora-ing pink
Gliterally Shimmer
Vinylux Chic-A-Delic 0.25oz
Quest for Quartz - Gel
A-rose at dawn....Broke by noon
Rice Rice Baby - Gel
Shellac Kiss From a Rose 0.25oz
Isn't it Grand Avenue
Halo - Gel
Blinded by the Ring Light - Gel
Head In The Clouds - Gel
How Great is your Dane - Gel
Put it in Neutral - Powder Perfection 1.5oz
Bubble Bath - Powder Perfection 1.5oz